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Municipal and county leaders come to Minzheng farming and animal husbandry to carry out the "special survey on the implementation of special industries to lift poverty"

Author: Published:2016-05-27 Views:3479

  In order to help the city to win the fight against poverty and accelerate the city's implementation of special industries to lift poverty, the CPPCC organizations related personnel into the enterprise in-depth investigation and study. May 25 led by Sun Junkui chairman of the more than 10 research members, accompanied by secretary of Yiyang County Committee into the Minzheng farming and animal husbandry.

Minzheng farming and animal husbandry chairman introduced Minzheng

  Minzheng mainly engaged in farming and animal breeding breeding sales, slaughter has been completed in 100,000 pig farms. In 2015, the expansion will be completed. After the completion of the second phase, there will be 6500 basic sow herds, which will be rebuilt in the first phase this year. After the completion of the transformation, the number of sows in the first phase will reach over 5,200 heads and there will be more than 13,700 total sows at that time. Annual slaughter pig 160,000, 2018 expected to slaughter up to 300,000.

  As a key leading enterprise in Henan Province, Minzheng Agriculture and Animal Husbandry plays an important role in leading the leading enterprises in poverty alleviation work, guiding the development of industries in poor areas and helping the poor to get rid of poverty and becoming rich. The plan is to rely on the existing pig farms and make full use of the leading advantages of leading agricultural industrialization enterprises in the province to implement the mode of "company + modern family farms", expand the agricultural industrial chain and actively implement the "company + modern family farms" Precise poverty alleviation project.

  After listening to Chairman Zhang's report, Chairman Sun highly acclaimed Minzheng and her husband and her husband. At the same time, she also hoped that Minzheng Farming would give full play to the advantages of leading enterprises and contribute to the work of lifting poverty in Luoyang. At the same time, Chairman Sun proposed the proposals on establishing a platform and integrating resources to give full play to their respective advantages. This is also in line with the original intention of the "farming + animal husbandry" model of "company + modern farms". In the end, President Sun spoke highly of Minsheng, animal husbandry and imminent establishment of the "Pig Cultural Center" and very much agree with the establishment of culture and investment in culture.

Secretary Ann and Zhang in-depth conversation

  Ann secretary pointed out: Poverty Alleviation Program to be accurate, fully absorb the large number of rural areas intends to breed poor households, make full use of corporate credit advantages and bank capital advantages for farmers to provide liquidity protection.

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